Balancing the Equation: Connecting Math Cognition and Education


Abstract Submission is now CLOSED.

The Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society (MCLS) will hold its 3rd annual meeting in 2020 meeting at University College Dublin, Ireland from 27-29 June (pre conference workshops on the 26 June). The society encourages submissions from researchers at all career stages.

Submissions should be made via the conference website at

Please contact if you have any questions.

Symposia Submission Deadline: February 3, 2020

Lightning Talk and Poster Submission Deadline: February 3, 2020

Notification of Decisions: by February 28, 2020

Conference Registration Opens: February 28, 2020

Submission Types


To propose a symposium, the symposium organiser should submit a synoptic abstract (max 500 words) that describes the title of the symposium, general topic of the symposium, the names, positions, and institutions of the speakers. The “presenting author” for the synoptic abstract should be the symposium organizer. In addition, separate submissions for each talk in the symposium should be made by the individual presenters. These submissions should include a title and brief description (max 100 words), as well as the title for the symposium to which it belongs. The “presenting author” for these submissions should be the person who will be giving the talk.

A symposium consists of four presenters (15 minutes each, including time for questions), or three presenters and one discussant. Submissions that feature presenters from multiple career stages and international perspectives are encouraged.

Total time allotted to a session: 65 minutes
Please note that the program will be set up to allow ample time for informal discussion.

We will not be accepting abstracts for stand-alone oral presentations. If you require assistance connecting with other potential presenters to propose a symposium on a specific topic, please email, including a brief description of your topic.


Regular Posters

For poster presentations, submit an abstract (max 300 words) including title and author names and affiliations. Poster abstracts must include introduction, methods, results, and conclusions. For projects where data collection has not been completed, consider submitting an abstract for a Pre-registration Poster.

Pre-registration Posters

Researchers looking to get feedback on the design of studies to be undertaken, or on analysis plans for projects in progress, are invited to submit abstracts for pre-registration posters. Abstracts must include:
●    Introduction (rationale for carrying out the study and hypotheses)
●    Methods (how the hypotheses will be tested)
●    Approach for statistical analysis (how the data will be analysed and what the predicted outcomes are)
Read about the benefits of pre-registered posters here:

Lightning Talks (5 minutes talk)

Lightning talks will be grouped into 30 minute sessions consisting of five 5-minute talks, with one audience question for each and time for general discussion at the end. Presenters may use a maximum of 3 slides and will be cut off when 5-minutes is up. Submit an abstract (max 300 words) with a title and the authors’ names and affiliations and indicate whether your abstract is for a Data Blitz or Collaboration Pitch (see below).

Data Blitz
Communicate 1-2 key findings in a clear and concise manner and include only the essential information. Abstract for data blitzes should follow the same format as poster submissions.

Collaboration Pitch
Propose an idea for a project and solicit feedback and potential collaborators. Abstracts for collaboration pitches should describe the rationale and research questions of the project. The aim is that these pitches would provide opportunities for forming new collaborations to combine or collect larger datasets, provide assistance with analysis techniques, or facilitate data collection in special populations.


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