MCLS 2025 Hong Kong
9-11 June 2025
Conference Venue Timeline
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The Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society (MCLS) was
founded in 2013 to promote the communication of scientific
research on mathematical cognition and learning, and advance
the study of its typical and atypical development, neural substrates,
genetic and environmental influences, cultural variation, and
Since 2016, MCLS has organized an annual conference that
aims to connect researchers from all around the globe to
jointly advance research on mathematical cognition and
learning. In 2025, MCLS will be held at The Education
University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong S.A.R., China), for the
first time in the Asian continent!
For MCLS 2025, we are calling for symposia and poster/lightning talk abstracts in the following thematic areas:
- Arithmetic and Beyond: Arithmetic, Algebra, Fractions, Decimals
- Atypical Development: Dyscalculia, Mathematics Learning Difficulties
- Cognitive Neuroscience
- Comparative Research: Animal, Culture, Gender, Race/Ethnicity
- Development: Math Cognition across the Lifespan
- Emotion: Math Attitude, Math Anxiety, Math Identity
- Home Math Environment: Caregivers, Parents, Families
- Mathematics and Beyond: Language, Space, Executive Function, STEM, STEAM
- Numbers: Basic Number Processing, Counting, Number Concepts, Number Sense
- Perception and Embodiment
- Schooling and Intervention: Education, Curriculum, Evaluation, Psychometrics
- Strategies: Problem Solving, Flexibility
- Other: ______
This year, MCLS 2025 (9-11 June, 2025) will coincide with the International Summer School for Doctoral Students (12-13 June, 2025) and the Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education (14 June, 2025), both of which are organized by the Department of Early Childhood Education at EdUHK. The International Summer School is a two-day workshop that aims to provide professional development (e.g., writing, research design, analysis, career planning, etc.) for graduate students, postdoctoral scientists, and research assistants in Early Childhood Education and Development. The Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education and Development is an annual regional conference that aims to gather researchers and practitioners in relevant fields to share findings and inform practices.
Save the dates and stay tune for more information soon!